Xiao Zhan《我们》Wo Men (Us)
Please click below for the lyrics (Chinese characters and pinyin) as well as English translations for each song
- 1. Intro
- 2. 我们 / Wo Men - Us (Wild)
- 3. 都一样 / Dou Yi Yang - All the Same (Anonymous)
- 4. 还原 / Huan Yuan - Restore (Return)
- 5. 荧 / Ying - Glimmer (Glimmering)
- 6. 漂流 / Piao Liu - Drifting (Life of Us)
- 7. 灯塔 / Deng Ta - Lighthouse (Beacon)
- 8. 夜行人的自由 / Ye Xing Ren de Zi You - Confessions of a Nightwalker (Night Person)
- 9. 归零 / Gui Ling - Return to Zero (Half-Dream)
- 10. 不要回头 / Bu Yao Hui Tou - Don't Look Back (Go Ahead)
- 11. 晚安 / Wan An - Good Night (Bonne Nuit)
- 12. Outro
**Please note the first English name for each song is the direct translation and the English name in parentheses is the official English song title according to Xiao Zhan's fan club**